July 2006 Archives

Deep Muscle Soreness And Body-Shock Fatigue

In my experience there are two distinct types of muscular fatigue associated with intense progressive resistance training (only intense training is sufficient to trigger muscle hypertrophy) and these two types should be recognized and understood. The first type of fatigue is direct muscle soreness and is the result of a particular exercise targeting a specific muscle. Scientists are at odds as to the exact cause of muscle soreness but most believe that it is associated with some sort of cellular micro-trauma. Direct muscle soreness is usually the type of pain and discomfort that most folks experience when they begin serious progressive resistance training program.

Adrenal Fatigue

Your adrenal glands are two tiny pyramid-shaped pieces of tissue situated right above each kidney. Their job is to produce and release, when appropriate, certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers.

Fatigue After WLS: Iron Deficiency May Be the Cause

I’ve been feeling a tired and slow lately. Just don’t have my usual get-up and go. Naturally, I blame the gastric bypass – it gets the blame whenever I don’t feel well. After careful assessment I realized I have forgotten to take my vitamin for almost three weeks now. I am probably iron deficient – a risk all gastric bypass patients face.

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