Traveling with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Tips and Tricks
Support Groups for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Warriors
Personal Stories of Triumph Over Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS)
Directions: Many individuals can experience a sense of unusual or excessive tiredness whenever they become ill, receive treatment, or recover from their illness/treatment. This unusual sense of tiredness is not usually relieved by either a good night's sleep or by rest. Some call this symptom "fatigue" to distinguish it from the usual sense of tiredness.
For each of the following questions, please fill in the space provided for that response that best describes the fatigue you are experiencing now or for today. Please make every effort to answer each question to the best of your ability. If you are not experiencing fatigue now or for today, fill in the circle indicating "0" for your response.
1. Piper BF, Dibble SL, Dodd MJ, Weiss MC, Slaughter RE, Paul SM. The revised Piper Fatigue Scale: psychometric evaluation in women with breast cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1998 May;25(4):677-84.