Measure Your Level of Fatigue

Measure Your Level of Fatigue

Barbara F. Piper, DNsc, RN, OCN, associate professor of nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, developed the Piper Fatigue Scale, which condenses the dimensions of fatigue into four sub-scales: affective meaning, sensory, cognitive/mood, and behavioral/severity.

This scale is being used at several major cancer centers to help physicians, nurses, and psychosocial health care personnel assess the causes and intensity of their patients' fatigue as a rational basis for treatment.

Here for your use is an excerpt from the original Piper Fatigue Scale. While not authoritative when administered in this manner, it can provide a good example of qualitative measures of fatigue levels.

While the survey does ask personal questions about your own feelings of well-being, the results are not recorded and the survey is completely anonymous. There are 22 questions, all multiple choice.

Click here to take the survey.